Understanding the forest products industry using NAICS codes


Matt Russell


May 8, 2021

To understand any industry, an analyst should be well acquainted with the codes designating the North American Industry Classification Systems. These NAICS codes are often used along with economic data to analyze an industry or sector. When a new business is created, they self-select into one or more NAICS codes.

In forestry, there are several designations that represent different areas of the forest products industry. These range from wood products manufacturers, loggers, pulp mills, and forest nurseries. NAICS codes have been used extensively in several analyses of the forestry industry, including:

Using data from the NAICS website, the following graph shows the number of existing marketable businesses according to their NAICS industry category:

The names of the specific NAICS codes appear below along with the number of businesses. Businesses conducting millwork, logging, and support activities for forestry are the most common:

NAICS codes, names, and number of marketable US businesses in the forest products industry.
NAICSCode NAICSName Businesses
321918 Other Millwork (including Flooring) 14687
113310 Logging 8250
115310 Support Activities for Forestry 5277
321999 All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing 4507
321920 Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing 3383
321113 Sawmills 2480
113110 Timber Tract Operations 2067
322121 Paper (except Newsprint) Mills 1921
322211 Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing 1852
322220 Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing 1471
321911 Wood Window and Door Manufacturing 1259
321912 Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing 1225
322299 All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing 1140
321992 Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing 1111
113210 Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products 962
321214 Truss Manufacturing 869
322219 Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing 663
322130 Paperboard Mills 658
321114 Wood Preservation 640
321991 Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing 570
322230 Stationery Product Manufacturing 412
322291 Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing 374
322110 Pulp Mills 343
321219 Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing 311
321211 Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing 299
322212 Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing 147
321212 Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing 80
321213 Engineered Wood Member (except Truss) Manufacturing 58
322122 Newsprint Mills 34

If you work with forest industry and economic data, get acquainted with the NAICS codes and how they can be used in your analysis.

By Matt Russell. Email Matt with any questions or comments. Sign up for my monthly newsletter for in-depth analysis on data and analytics in the forest products industry.